Challenges of Art Librarianship
Satellite Conference
22/23 July, 2022

On the occasion of the 40th Anniversary of the IFLA Art Libraries Section two years ago, we propose to look at the challenges to our disciplines and institutions in the past, present and future. Reflecting on previous achievements and successes of international collaboration, we seek to identify how opportunities and needs have changed today, and what is coming into view over the horizon.
Friday 22 July 13:30 Guided Library Visits
Meeting at Marsh's Library, St Patricks Close, Dublin 8
Marsh's Library
National Gallery of Ireland Royal Irish Academy
Drinks courtesy of the National Gallery of Ireland Library & Archives, at No.5 Clare Street. (adjacent to the Millennium Wing entrance to the Gallery)
Saturday 23 July 09:15 Registration
09:45 Welcomes and Introductions Fionnuala Croke, Director, Chester Beatty
Rana Abdulrahman, Chair, IFLA Art Libraries Section
10:00 Keynote
The role of art and design librarianship, in the present and future library and information field
Tonia Arahova, National Library of Greece, Athens
10:45 New skills for art librarians
Art museum librarians: an overview of the challenges and perspectives in a post-pandemic environment
Soledad Cánovas del Castillo, Fundación Colección Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid
New audiences in art libraries, new skills for professionals?
Lucile Trunel, Bibliothèque Forney, Paris
Medicating with art: art-practice as medicine
Carla Marchesan, Prince’s Foundation/School of Traditional Arts, London
11:45 - 12:00 Coffee break
Opening every door and window: Post-Pandemic strategies for OER in the arts. Sarah Falls, UNC School of the Arts, Winston-Salem, NC
The impact of researchers' use of social media on the role of art and museum librarians: case study for Hungary, Serbia, Bulgaria, Slovenia
Anelia Tüü, Museum of Applied Arts, Budapest
Olivera Nastic, Belgrade City Library
12:40 Special collections in art libraries
Particularities of a ballet collection: the case of the Nélida Piñon collection
Carlos Alberto Della Paschoa, Elisete de Sousa Melo, Instituto Cervantes de Rio de Janeiro
Decorative Arts to borrow at home: a unique story of a specialized collection of pictures in a French public art library Joëlle Garcia, Bibliothèque Forney, Paris
The influence of civic participation on collections: The Hornburg Synagogue and the Jewish collection at the State Museum Braunschweig
Bettina Gierke, 3Landesmuseen Braunschweig
13:30 Lunch
14:45 Keynote
Meeting In Isfahan: vision and exchange in Safavid Iran
Moya Carey, Curator of Islamic Collections, Chester Beatty
15:30 Digital collection networks in art history and cultural heritage
Assessing the Getty Research Portal after 10 years
Kathleen Salomon, Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles
The Digital Cicognara Library: an international open access collaboration of the early literature of the arts Holly Hatheway, Marquand Library of Art & Archaeology, Princeton University
16:10 - 16:30 Tea Break
Sharing South Dakota’s cultural heritage: harvesting digital collections into the Digital Public Library of America and beyond Danielle P. De Jager-Loftus, University of South Dakota, Vermillion
Think big - act smart. The Art Discovery Group Catalogue and its future
Jan Simane, Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz, Max-Planck-Institut, Florence
17:15 ‘The future, the sister of the past’: IFLA Art Libraries Section at 40
Past and present officers of the committee discuss past achievements and future aims
18:00 Chester Beatty exhibition galleries: exclusive tour
Drinks reception hosted by the Chester Beatty
Courtesy by JSTOR
Courtesy by JSTOR


Tonia (Antonia) Arahova serves as President of General Council for Libraries in Greece. The period 2017-2019 she was Head of The Library of The President of Hellenic Democracy. She has served as the Acting General Director of the National Library of Greece where she works since 1995. From 2004 till 2009 she was counselor of the Head of the group of Greek MEPs in Brussels in cultural policy, heritage and cultural creation of interconnection networks. She has served as IFLA Treasurer, member of the Governing Board of IFLA, IFLA Executive Committee, IFLA Congress Advisory Committee, and Chair in Division IV (Support of The Profession), IFLA Professional Committee and also member of the International Jury Committee of IFLA International Marketing Award. From 2007 till 2010 she was a member of the Board of Directors of the Greek General State Archives.

Soledad Cánovas del Castillo, head librarian at Fundación Colección Thyssen-Bornemisza, has been working in art museum libraries for 34 years, which allows her to have a consolidated experience. During this time, she has been adapting to the changes of the professional sector, both in her own country - she is a member of the Sociedad Española de Documentación e Información Científica governing board (SEDIC, https : //www.sedic.es/, Spanish Society for Scientific Documentation and Information), as outside of it (from 2011 to 2019 and 2022 to 2024 member of the IFLA’s Art Libraries Standing Committee Group).

Moya Carey is Curator of Islamic Collections at The Chester Beatty, Dublin, and of its current exhibition: Meeting at Isfahan: Vision and Exchange in Safavid Iran. She was previously Iran Heritage Fund Curator for the Iranian collections at the Victoria and Albert Museum, London (2009–2018) and is the author of Persian Art: Collecting the Arts of Iran for the V&A (V&A Publishing, 2017). Dr Carey was educated at Trinity College, Dublin and at the School of Oriental and African Studies, London, where she gained her PhD. As well as the visual culture of Iran, she has research interests in the history of collecting and salvage in the Middle East.

Danielle De Jager-Loftus is Associate Professor at the University of South Dakota, USA, and liaison to the College of Fine Arts. She manages USD’s digital library and institutional repository, as well as other digital programs. De Jager-Loftus has led presentations and published articles not only about digital initiatives, but also about collaborating with other librarians and the greater community. De Jager-Loftus has held several association positions at the local, state, national, and international level, such as IFLA Art Libraries Section, past president of the South Dakota Library Association, American Library Association Science/Technology section publications editor, and Association of College and Research Libraries Digital Technologies and the Arts Committee.

Carlos Alberto Della Paschoa is the Librarian at the Instituto Cervantes de Rio de Janeiro. He is also vice-president of (REDARTE/RJ), the network of state art libraries and information centres in Rio de Janeiro, and a member of the IFLA advisory committee on cultural heritage. He has a degree in librarianship and a master’s in German Philology and Literature from the University of São Paulo, with a dissertation on Hildegard of Bingen’s visionary work ‘Scivias’.
Elisete de Sousa Melo is a librarian and a doctoral student at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, studying the Psychosociology of Communities and Social Ecology. Her librarianship master’s dissertation was a case study of REDARTE/RJ as an example of community of practice.

Sarah Falls has spent most of her career working in visual and performing arts librarianship, at such institutions as the New York School of Interior Design, and at the Ohio State University. Currently the University Librarian at UNC School of the Arts in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, she helps creators become artists. During the pandemic, she took part in a statewide OER sprint project, which changed her thinking about Open Access, OER, curriculum and equitable access to information. She holds an MA in Art History from Rutgers, an MSLS from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and is currently a doctoral student at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro in Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations. She anticipates further graduate scholarship on OER as a strategic means for reconfiguring survey courses.

Joëlle Garcia is curator of special collections, Bibliothèque Forney in Paris. Archivist paleographer, library curator, Joëlle Garcia runs the Department of Specialized collections of the Bibliothèque Forney. After an École nationale des chartes thesis on prints representing the French prime minister cardinal Mazarin in the 17e century, she has worked on different subjects related to book and image history from 17th to 20th century.
Bettina Gierke is Head of Collections Information and Research at the Braunschweig Landesmuseum (Federal State Museum). Next to looking after something like half a million objects of which the historic book collection is one of her favourite parts, she and her team collect data and information for these wonderful things.
Before she joined the Braunschweig Landesmuseum, Bettina coordinated a project called “Specialised Information Service for Book and Library Studies and Information Science”. The project was – and still is – based at the Herzog August Bibliothek in Wolfenbüttel. Prior to that, Bettina had been Head of Library at the Hamburg History Museum. She had worked first as a Collections Information Assistant and later Curator for Books and Manuscripts at the Royal Library in the United Kingdom, which is part of the Royal Collection Trust.

Holly Hatheway is Head of the Marquand Library of Art & Archaeology at Princeton University. Prior to directing the Marquand Library at Princeton, Holly she served as Head of the Arts and Humanities Division at UC Berkeley Library, Associate Director at The Haas Family Library, Yale University, and Associate Library Director at The School of Visual Arts, NY, as well as several years in librarian and resource coordinator roles at Christie's Art Auction House in New York. Holly holds Master's degrees from the Pratt Institute in Art History and Information & Library Science. Her research interests include graphic arts and publication design, political propaganda, and historiography of art.

Carla Marchesan is Librarian and Tutor at Prince’s Foundation/School of Traditional Arts, London. She has worked as Librarian and Tutor at the Prince’s Foundation since 2006. Previously she worked for Hackney Community College, as a consultant for Hackney Council, and for 9 years at the University of North London Libraries, now LondonMet. She has served as the Chair of both Arclib and Arlis/UK & Ireland, being involved in the organization of conferences and events, and has also served in CILIP’s London Regional Group. In the past, she volunteered at the Feminist Library and the Amnesty International Secretariat’s Archive.

Kathleen Salomon is currently Chief Librarian and Associate Director at the Getty Research Institute in Los Angeles, California. Active in a variety of international projects and committees, Kathleen has written and spoken extensively on collaborative projects, libraries, and the future of art bibliography.

Jan Simane is Director of the Library of the Max-Planck-Institute for Art History in Florence, Italy. He is active in several international committes and organizations such as the Steering Committee of the international project Art Discovery Group Catalogue (formerly artlibraries.net). From 2007 to 2014 he was member of the Standing Committee of the Art Libraries Section of IFLA, from 2009 to 2013 Chair. From 2015 to 2019 he was in the Standing Committee of Academic and Research Libraries in IFLA. Since 2018 he is delegate of the OCLC Global/Regional Council (Vice Chair and Chair of the EMEA Regional Council Executive Committee in 2020/21.

« Conservatrice générale des bibliothèques », Lucile Trunel is the head of the Forney library since 2015, a heritage and municipal library created in 1886 and specialised in decorative and applied arts. Between 1995 and 2014, she occupied different positions as head of departments at the Bibliothèque nationale de France (including the Art Department), and she is now an elected member of the IFLA Art libraries section, which she presided from 2017 to 2021

Anelia Tűű is the Chief Librarian at the Museum of Applied Arts, Budapest (Hungary). She was previously Chief Librarian at the Hungarian National Gallery and its Museum of Fine Arts, and served nearly 20 years at the Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts, after starting her career in art libraries at the Bulgarian National Gallery, Sofia. She is active in several art library networks internationally and recently served a term as a member of the IFLA Art Libraries Section committee.